Page 12 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 12

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                   This book is about hearing children and youth.  It is
                   designed to transcend jurisdictions by applying the
                   voice of the child to any jurisdiction in which the child
                   may reside.

                   THE CHILD VOICE

                   The theoretical position with respect to the voice of
                   the child stems from key principles from the
                   Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations
                   General Assembly resolution 44/25 (1989)).  Article 3
                   of the Convention has become a cornerstone of public
                   and private family law across the developed world.

                   Article 3:
                   In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken
                   by public or private social welfare institutions, courts
                   of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies,
                   the  best interests of the child shall be a  primary

                   This  provision relates  to the responsibility of adult
                   decision makers to maintain  the best interests of
                   children as the primary consideration.  In a sense, this
                   article sets the foundation for what follows; decision-
                   making relating to children  needs  to ultimately
                   consider the child's best interest first and foremost.
                   What follows is then a series of statements that relate
                   to how those best interests can be achieved.  Not only
                   is it through protection of the child’s human rights, it
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