Page 13 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   is also in providing children with a voice in decision
                   making processes that affect them.

                   Specifically, Article 12 promotes  the  child’s best
                   interest by providing that  children  have  input  in
                   decision- making processes that affect them.

                   Article 12
                   Parties shall assure to  the child who is capable  of
                   forming his or her own views the right to express those
                   views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views
                   of the child being given due weight in accordance with
                   the age and maturity of the child.

                   Article 12 describes a  child’s  right to be  consulted.
                   Our observation is that this provision has taken the
                   public and private family law processes by storm.  The
                   family law  system has begun to entertain the
                   possibility that the child’s voice is unique and separate
                   to the voices of parents, extended family, or
                   professional advocates.  The business of the Family
                   Law has traditionally been regarded as ‘parent work,’
                   with children the passive recipients of the outcome.
                   In applying the intention of Article 12, Family Courts
                   have created opportunity for the expression of child
                   views through the  creation of role for  Child
                   Lawyers/Representatives,     through      Family
                   Consultants, Voice of the Child Reports, and Family
                   Reports.   These professionals seek to directly or
                   indirectly represent  the  child’s view to the judicial
                   officer.  But  this is not the same as the concept of
                   providing a process in which the child actively brings
                   their own voice into family law processes.
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