Page 100 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 100
P a g e | 6 Child and Youth Meeting
File Number ________________________
How quickly does this child adapt to changes in their schedule, etc.?
How quickly does this child modify their reactions in a desired way?
1 2 3 4 5
Adapts quickly, Adapts very slowly,
easily stops one may reject help
activity and begins needs set schedules,
another, is flexible may be upset by
needs little help surprises, upset with
changes of activities
How strong are this child’s emotional reactions – negative or positive?
1 2 3 4 5
Mild reaction, can work Intense reactions,
through a problem intense sound and
Without becoming physical reaction, all
frustrated, soft tones and reactions powerful
physical responses
6) MOOD:
The amount of happy, contented mood vs. cranky, serious analytical mood expressed by your child.
1 2 3 4 5
Usually friendly, Generally serious,
pleasant most of the analytical, appears
time regardless of unfriendly at times,
the situation / wakes noticed from
up happy babyhood
Does this child tend to stay involved in an activity and can he / she stop easily if redirected or does he / she fight to continue? The length
of time particular activities are pursued by the child regardless of the obstacles.
1 2 3 4 5
Child is easily Child is extremely
redirected in persistent, won’t be
another activity can redirected easily,
stay focused during won’t let go of an
activity, may fuss idea, won’t take no
temporarily can for an answer
accept no
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