Page 101 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 101

P a g e  | 7  Child and Youth Meeting

            File Number ________________________

            Does this child notice details such as people, colors, noises, objects around them and get distracted by other things that have caught his /
            her attention?

             1                  2                           3                          4                  5

             Child stays on task,                                                              Very perceptive,
             can walk by external                                                           notices details, gets
             stimulus without                                                                caught in pursuing
             becoming involved,                                                                 interesting side
             remembers and                                                                    activities, forgets
             completes multiple                                                            multiple instructions
             directions easily


            How does this child respond to slight noises, differences in temperature, emotions, taste, textures, smells, etc.?  Does he / she react to
            scratchy clothing, irritating noises, your stress?

             1                  2                           3                          4                  5
             Child is not                                                                      Very sensitive to
             particularly sensitive,                                                         taste, light, sounds
             can sleep through                                                                clothing textures,
             noises, eats                                                                     your stress, picky
             anything, wears                                                               eater reacts strongly
             anything does not                                                                to the way things
             notice smells,                                                                              feel
             appears unaware of
             your stress

            To score this scale:
            1) Add up the scores for this child.  Use Mary Sheedy Kucinka’s outcome scores:

                  9 – 18    = COOL KID / EASY CHILD

                  19 – 28  = SPUNKY KID / MODERATE
                  29 – 45  = SPIRITED KID / DIFFICULT CHILD

                        This scale was adapted from the material published by Thomas and Chess and material published by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.

                                               © Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham 2016
                                                    Private and Confidential
                   We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live.
                                         The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resolution Pty Ltd
                                                     ABN 46 105 820 791
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