Page 99 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 99

P a g e  | 5  Child and Youth Meeting

            File Number ________________________

            CHILD AND YOUTH



            Circle the number that generally describes this child most of the time.
            Note:  No child responds exactly the same way to every circumstance.

            1) ACTIVITY / ENERGY:
            Physical motion during sleep, eating, play, dressing, bathing –
            What amount of energy would you say your child has?  Does he/she jump, run, use whole body to feel good?

             1                  2                           3                          4                  5
             Low energy, quiet,                                                             Always moving even
             sleeps in one place,                                                             when sitting, high
             likes time alone,                                                               energy, very active
             plays quietly

             How regular is this child re:  physiologic functions such as eating times, sleeping times, amount of sleep
            required, elimination etc.

             1                  2                           3                          4                  5
             Needs routine,                                                                 Very irregular, can’t
             highly predictable                                                              predict the eating,
             schedule / eats,                                                                    falling asleep,
             sleeps on a schedule                                                          elimination schedule

            What is the child’s initial reaction to new people, activities, ideas, going somewhere new, etc.?

             1                  2                           3                          4                  5
             Immediately                                                                     Withdraws at first,
             approaches, jumps                                                                  watches before
             right in learns by                                                             joining in, learns by
             doing, no trouble                                                             watching, distressed
             with new requests                                                              by new activities or
             open to new                                                                        things, says no
             activities, people                                                                       initially
                                               © Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham 2016
                                                    Private and Confidential
                   We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live.
                                         The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resolution Pty Ltd
                                                     ABN 46 105 820 791
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