Page 107 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 107
The Child Readiness Scale is a 9 item 5-point scale for use for practitioners working with children of divorce ages 5-18 years
of age. The scale is a non-standardized tool intended to assist practitioners who meet with children to identify a child’s
potential readiness to provide direct or indirect input to their parents. The scale is designed to identify ratings from low to
high. Higher overall ratings may indicate a child’s capacity and increased degree of ability to provide his/her voice in more
direct ways with his/her parents. Low scores may indicate a lack of capacity, ability or interest in providing direct levels of
input and practitioner caution is advised. After meeting the child, rate him/her on the following items:
1. Child/Youth Verbal Ability/Willingness to Express Self:
(Child makes use of language to describe self and others)
Low Moderate High
1 2 3 4 5
Child/youth does not Child/youth engages in some Child/youth is highly
primarily verbally express direct verbal communication verbally expressive and
him/her self. Does not about his/her life experiences shares thoughts and Child
readily engage in and can share a few discrete feelings openly. Can identify
conversation, avoids thoughts/feelings (through what he/she would like to Score:
answering basic questions projectives or otherwise) share/not share with others /5
even after person meeting
with the child introduces
basic engagement/warm-up
2. Child/Youth Development: Developmental Charts
(Developmental expectations for the age and stage of the child within a normative range of differences – use
developmental literature and school reports for support)
Low Moderate High
1 2 3 4 5
Child/youth does not appear Child/youth is mostly Child/youth is develop-
to be develop- mentally on developmentally on-track but mentally on-track. No
track (either by way of one area of development may be delays noted. High-
observation or previous 3rd delayed. Child may be functioning presentation. Child
party description). There is a emotionally or academically Score:
known delay related to delayed for instance and this
autism or other may be temporary due to stress /5
developmental delay in in his/her environment
language, motor-skills, and/or
emotional development, etc.
3. Child/Youth Level of Defensiveness:
(Children who use defense mechanisms to protect the self and to avoid distress during the meetings are rated
lower on the scale because the defenses mask their real views/feelings (see defense mechanisms descriptions for
Low Moderate High
1 2 3 4 5
Child/youth makes use of some Child/youth is non-defensive Child
Child/youth makes use of
primary psychological defense defense strategies, but is able to and capable of focusing on Score:
mechanisms such as: denial, remain mostly focused on and the activities and is capable of /5
projection dissociation, or engaged in the activities as completing any activity
behavioral defenses such as presented by the person meeting provided by the person
with the child/youth
aggression, withdrawal, meeting with him/her. The
emotional lability. It appears child/youth can elaborate on
the child is in distress and is the activity and is not
making use of self-protective hindered in his/her
defenses that stop him/her responses
from engaging in the activities to the activities
as provided by the person
meeting with the child
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