Page 109 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 109
7. Child/Youth Temperament:
(A preferred way of approaching things/people – typically noted by the age of 3 months. The child’s style based on
child literature related to temperament.)
Low Moderate High
Child/youth demonstrates Child/youth demonstrates Child/youth does not generally
emotional/ behavioral distress a moderate level of distress. The view the problems/ issues as
and expresses his/her distress child/youth may become sad or his/hers. Child/Youth is not
directly either verbally or angry, for instance, during an carrying the distress for the
through projective activities activity but may recover during family system and has found a
throughout the meeting. Child another activity. The child/youth way to appropriately process
may become teary, anxious or can express some upset, but does the family stress and change. Child
shutdown, for example. not appear overwhelmed by Child/youth is not Score:
Immobilization during a his/her circumstances. overwhelmed by his/her
meeting may occur. circumstances. /5
Child/youth may appear
generally overwhelmed.
2 3 4 5
8. Child/Youth Level of Understanding of the Process:
(The child understands your role and the ADR process.)
Low Moderate High
1 2 3 4 5
Child cannot re-state his/her Child/youth mostly understands Child/youth fully
understanding of the roles or process. your role and the ADR process understands your role and Child
Child/youth has difficulty and can generally re-state the ADR process and can re-
understanding the role of the person his/her understanding of the state his/her Score:
meeting with him/her and the ADR due role and process. understanding. /5
to age, development or distress due to
confusing messages or family
9. Child/Youth Level of External Support:
(The emotional/psychological or physical upset noted during a child meeting; the lower the score the greater the
Low Moderate High
1 2 3 4 5
Child/youth has few or no external Child/youth has at least one Child/youth is highly connected
supports. For instance, there are no supportive external support to with an external support system Child
primary identified supportive immediate family members. This and can identify more than one
external parties such as extended could be a grandparent, friend, significant support person/ or Score:
family members, teachers, primary teacher, community activity community support(s) that he/she /5
friends, community leaders or leader etc. feels connected to. Child/youth
religious/spiritual community has multiple supports in addition
people. Child appears to be reliant to his/her parents.
on his/her primary family members.
Total CYRS Score
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© 2016 Lorri A. Yasenik Ph.D. Private and Confidential.