Page 108 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 108


      4.             Positions

          (Child’s ability to hold his/her own views as separate to parent views. Child does not collapse personal experience
          of being with each of his/her parents)
      Low                                     Moderate                                      High
      1                    2                     3                    4                           5

     Child’s ability to hold           Child/youth intermittently makes a      Child/youth is able to hold
     his/her own views as              statement about what appears to be a    his/her own experience of the
     separate to parent views.         parent view. Child makes a comment,     other parent regardless of the   Child
     Child does not collapse           but then contradicts the statement      pressure to join a side with one
     personal experience of            (directly or indirectly in an art or    parent against another.    Score:
     being with each of                projective activity). Or, he/she makes   Child/youth can identify how        /5
                                       a comment but withdraws the             his/her parents should behave
     his/her parents
                                       comment later in the meeting.           and he/she has advice for how
                                                                               his/her parents could stop
                                                                               fighting and how they could get
                                                                               along for instance
      5. Child/Youth Role in Family:
          (The possible roles children play in family are: peacemaker, communicator, parentified child, caretaker, manager,
          decision-maker, identified problem, etc. – See an attached list)

      Low                                     Moderate                                      High
      1                    2                     3                    4                           5

      Child/youth plays a significant role   Child/youth intermittently plays     Child/youth is free to
      in family that influences one or    a significant power role in             engage in his/her
      more of the following: adult        family. There are times when            normative child         Child
      decision-making, care-giving        the role is diminished and the          development as related to   Score:
      (emotional or practical) for one or   child/youth can continue with         focusing on self, school
      both parents, main communicator     normative child development             and friends and              /5
      between his/her parents, caregiver   roles                                  community. Child/youth
      of siblings, is the identified problem                                      is not burdened by taking
      in the family, divides parents by                                           on significant adult roles
      sharing opposite and inaccurate                                             in the family system.
      stories about each to the other, etc.

      6. Child/Youth Level of Distress:
          (The emotional/psychological or physical upset noted during a child meeting; the lower the score the greater the
      Low                                     Moderate                                      High
      1                    2                     3                    4                           5

     Child/youth demonstrates             Child/youth demonstrates              Child/youth does not generally
     emotional/ behavioral distress       a moderate level of distress. The     view the problems/ issues as   Child
     and expresses his/her distress       child/youth may become sad or         his/hers. Child/Youth is not   Score:
     directly either verbally or          angry, for instance, during an        carrying the distress for the
     through projective activities        activity but may recover during       family system and has found a        /5
     throughout the meeting. Child        another activity. The child/youth     way to appropriately process
     may become teary, anxious or         can express some upset, but does      the family stress and change.
     shutdown, for example.               not appear overwhelmed by             Child/youth is not
     Immobilization during a              his/her circumstances.                overwhelmed by his/her
     meeting may occur.                                                         circumstances.
     Child/youth may appear
     generally overwhelmed.

                                                                                                          PAGE 106

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