Page 48 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 48

Section 4                                                                      P a ge  | 46

                         Child’s use of space on the paper
                         Size of figure(s) and position of figures in drawing
                         Drawing detail as related to child development
                         Followed instructions (or not)
                         Child/ youth’s affect
                         Relationships in drawing

                   Listen to the youth’s content and/or description of their drawing.  Listen for both
                   positive and/or aversive experiences/affect contained in the picture.  Chapter the

                   This drawing or art activity provides a window into the youth’s imagination and
                   wishes for the future. What positive and negative images are portrayed? What type
                   of imagery does he/he she represent? Is there a theme related to family, friends,
                   self-development etc.? Is there a sense of overcoming obstacles? Are there positive
                   views available to the youth? This helps you to gain a picture into the youth’s

                   Add the information you gathered to the CYCS after the meeting.

     © The International Centre for Children and Family Law Inc.  This material cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
     of the copyright owner
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