Page 18 - English for Economic Development
P. 18

Answer the questions correctly based on the email above!

                   1. What are the problems encountered by Dania Alwa?


                    2. What is the position of Bella Roshinta?

                    3. What are the job descriptions of Bella Roshinta?


                   Activity 4: Tell me your solutions!
                   You  are  pretending  to  be  Bella  Roshinta.  As  the  customer  service,  Bella
                   Roshinta  should  provide  a  win-win  solution  to  satisfy  the  customer.  Decide
                   what you will do to overcome the problems experienced by Dania Alwa. Discuss
                   and share your solutions with your friends in the class.

                                                  List  of  the  possible  solutions  to  solve  Dania's


                                                   1. _____________________________________________________

                                                   2. _____________________________________________________

                                                   3. _____________________________________________________

                                                   4. _____________________________________________________

                                                   5. _____________________________________________________

                                                   6. _____________________________________________________



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