Page 13 - English for Economic Development
P. 13
Let'sDo Activity 2: Let's check your understanding!
Watch the video in Activity 1 and answer the questions below carefully!
1. Watch the video in Activity 1, and then identify each style of the emails.
Email from Mr. Danwah to Ms. Laura________________________________________________
Email form Ms. Laura to Mr. Dawson________________________________________________
Email from Ms. Laura to Mr. Danwah________________________________________________
2. How does Mr. Danwah greet Ms. Laura?
3. How does Ms. Laura greet Mr. Danwah and Mr. Dawson?
4. How does Mr. Danwah start the email?
5. How does Ms. Laura start the emails?
6. How does Mr. Danwah close the email?
7. How does Ms. Laura close the emails?
E N G L I S H F O R E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 6