Page 8 - English for Economic Development
P. 8
Learning outcomes Learning outputs
1. Students are able to comprehend 1.1 Students are able to identify the
the concept and components of components of writing emails using English
writing English emails. correctly.
2. Students are able to use the 2.1 Students are able to analyze and create,
language feature of writing an email English sentences following the pattern of
(Future Tense). Future Tense correctly.
3. Students are able to create English 3.1 Students are able to analyze and create an
emails in Economic Development email in Economic Development areas using
contexts. English correctly.
Learning experiences
1. Students will analyze an email on the specific case in the Economic Development
context using English correctly.
2. Students will create English sentences using the pattern of Future Tense in
composing an email correctly.
3. Students will write an email based on the specific case in the Economic Development
context using English correctly.
E N G L I S H F O R E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 1