Page 10 - English for Economic Development
P. 10
A. Writing an Email
1.What is an email?
An email is a modern form of written
communication that is supported by information
technologies. In the business and economic
sector, it is helpful to manage communication
between colleagues or clients/customers.
Ordering, selling, trading, marketing, negotiating,
and reporting are examples of activities in the
source: business and economic sectors that can be done
through emails. Therefore, you have to pay
attention to the structure, tone, and style of
writing business and economic emails.
2. Kinds of email
Email can be classified into three categories, namely neutral,
formal, and informal. In general, the neutral style is the most
common in writing emails in the business and economic sectors.
However, to show your politeness, you may use the formal style
in composing an email. The description of each style is explained
in the table below:
Category Description Example
The characteristics of a neutral email style are using simple,
clear, and direct language. This style is mostly used in Click here to see
Neutral the example
professional/work emails or when the recipients are your own
The characteristics of formal email style are fixed expressions,
long words, strict grammar, and punctuation. This style is Click here to see
Formal mostly used if the subject matter is serious, for instance, a the example
complaint email since in emailing your clients you have to
create a good impression.
The characteristics of informal email style are informal words Click here to see
Informal and contain personal news. This style is mostly used for the example
emailing friends.
Emmerson, Paul (2013). Email English 2nd edition. London: Macmillan
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