Page 9 - English for Economic Development
P. 9

Activity 1: Apperception
                    Watch the video. In groups, discuss the situation. Identify the role of each
                    position  in  the  video  and  decide  what  the  woman  does  to  handle  the

                    situation by answering the questions!

                  Answer the questions correctly based on the video above!
              1. What has happened in Eternal Jaya Plast Company?

              2. What is the position of Laura Dintya?

              3. What are the job descriptions of Laura Dintya?
              4. What does Laura do when she gets an email from her manager? Mention the steps that

                  she does!
              5. What does Laura say about the attitude in writing an email to colleagues?


      E N G L I S H   F O R   E C O N O M I C   D E V E L O P M E N T                                              2
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