Page 5 - English for Economic Development
P. 5
The essence of mastering English lies not just in being able to write or
speak, yet the most significant point is to be able to communicate effectively
following the situations and professions. To ensure this, people should have
insight, critical thinking, and critical reasoning about how to solve problems
based on their positions using English. This digital flipbook, English for
Economic Development: Case Method Instruction, contains a wealth of practical
information for students who aim to construct professional emails in
economic development settings. The book attempts to highlight the way in
responding to real phenomena in the Economic Development contexts,
especially in responding to emails and relating them to English language
It is not simply a digital book to guide students in writing emails
professionally, but it also presents procedures for responding to emails
based on a particular situation. As the book is designed based on the case
method instruction, students will be exposed to a certain case in the
economic development setting. Then, they have to provide corresponding
solutions and evaluate them together. At last, they will practice writing an
email following their solutions.
This digital flipbook actively reflects and develops students' critical thinking
and critical reasoning in responding to emails. English for Economic
Development: Case Method Instruction consists of
Apperception activity
Material about writing an email
Language features and expressions used in email
Student activity using case method instruction
Direct videos and links about the material
The Writer
E N G L I S H F O R E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T i i