Page 7 - English for Economic Development
P. 7


                    You are probably curious about the purpose of this course or ask, "What
                 can  I  expect  from  reading  this  book?"  The  fundamental  purpose  of  the
                 course  is  to  equip  Economic  Development  students  with  theoretical  and

                 practical  knowledge  in  mastering  English  letters  and  emails  based  on
                 particular cases.
                     Based on my study in the field of English for specific purposes, I conducted

                 a study that aimed at identifying English language material and methods to
                 promote  effective  communication  in  English  for  Economic  Development.  It
                 was  apparent  that  students  required  teaching  material  based  on  the  real

                 situation  following  their  discipline.  Further,  we  obviously  notice  that  each
                 professional  position  or  register  requires  specific  English  language  needs.

                 Thus, everyone in charge of economic development settings should realize
                 what they are going to encounter in their real life. So it is necessary to learn
                 English based on their case.
                    The book, therefore, is designed for Economic Development students as

                 well  as  other  professionals  who  truly  wish  to  develop  their  insights  and
                 proficiency  in  building  effective  English  letters  and  emails  in  the  economic

                 development contexts. This book is locally delivered and meant to address
                 the  most  recent  teaching  method  in  Indonesia,  which  is  the  case  teaching
                 method  that  can  increase  students'  critical  thinking  skills  in  solving

                 problematic cases in economic contexts. By the time you reach the end, you
                 will  be  more  confident,  aware,  and  experienced  in  communicating  and
                 solving problems using English based on your expertise and procedures of

                 the case teaching method.
                       You  will  learn  how  to  define  the  situations  and  assign  your  role  in  the
                 specific case in Economic Development areas. You will also find out how to

                 tackle  the  situations  by  providing  corresponding  solutions  following  your
                 role. After that, you will learn to bounce ideas off each other and evaluate
                 your idea with your friends. I'm emailing in connection with—understanding

                 the procedures in responding to email—is the first step in mastering English
                 for Economic Development purposes.

      E N G L I S H   F O R   E C O N O M I C   D E V E L O P M E N T                                           i v
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