Page 12 - English for Economic Development
P. 12

3. Email expression

                Below are the expressions used in writing an email:

                ORGANIZATION                                  EXPRESSION

                                      Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Madam                 Hi/Hello (informal)
                                      Dear [Name]                          Hello [Name] (informal)
                                      I  am  writing  with  reference      We would like to confirm...
                                      to…                                  In reply to your email, here
                                      I  am  emailing  with  regard        are…

                     Body             to…                                  Thank  you  for  your  email
                                      I am writing to let you know         of…
                                      that…                                Further to your email…
                                      We  would  like  to  point  out      Thank         you        for

                                     I am looking forward to… (v-          Best,
                                     ing)                                  All the best,
                     Closing         Please let me know if you are         Best regards,
                                     interested…                           Kind regards,
                                     I will contact you shortly            Sincerely,
                                     Do not hesitate to contact us         Respectfully,
                                     again  if  you  require  further      Thank you,
                                     information                           Warm wishes,
                                                                           With gratitude,

                                                 Emmerson, Paul (2013). Email English 2nd edition. London: Macmillan

                     I want to                                                Click here
                    know more!

                                                                 to find another expression used in composing
                                               providers/                   professional email

                       Vocabulary Builder

                        Acknowledge     : to accept, admit or recognize the truth or existence of something.
                        Convey             : to express a thought, feeling, or idea.
                        Enclose            : to include something inside a letter.
                        Inconvenience    : something that causes trouble or difficulty and is annoying.
                        Overcome          : to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something.
                        Oversee             : to watch or organize a job or an activity.
                        Redeem            : to get something back.
                        Consummate      : perfect, or complete in every way.
                        Sincere         : open and genuine, not pretending or lying.
                        Associate       : a companion, friend, or business partner.
                        Balance sheet   : a statement that shows the value of a company’s assets.
                        Sounding board  : someone used to test ideas or suggestions before they are made public.
                        Trustworthiness   : the ability to be relied on as honest or truthful.
                        Yield           : the yearly income earned from an investment.
                        Payable in advance  : payment must be received in full before the goods/ services are delivered.

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