Page 14 - English for Economic Development
P. 14

B.   Simple Future Tense

              The simple future tense is used when we talk about the agenda or activity that occurs in

           the future. In professional letters such as business and economic emails, the future tense
           is often used to express promises, offers, and requests. Mostly, this sentence is put as the
           closing to show hopes, offers, promises, and requests.

                TYPE             PATTERN                                       EXAMPLE

                                                          I will forward your email to our manager. (promise)
              Positive    Subject + will + verb 1         She will contact you shortly. (promise)

                                                          We will be glad to assist you in this case. (offer).

                                                          I will not delay your order. (promise)
              Negative    Subject  + will not + verb 1
                                                          We will not disappoint our customers. (promise)

                                                          Will  I  get  further  information  on  your  product?
             Question     Will + Subject + verb 1?        (request)
                                                          Will we get a special offer for this purchase? (request)

                     Important Point
                     In  professional  emails,  people  also  use  the  word  ‘would’  more  often
                     instead of ‘will’ to express desire, polite requests, opinion, hope, and wish.
                     Pattern : Subject + would + V1
                        We would like to take this special offer.
                        I would be happy to inform you that…

        C.   Responding to Emails

              Read the situation below. Analyze the process of how to respond to the email from
              the customer!

                                                     PT.  King  Mat  Indonesia  is  a  company  that  provides  the
                                                  biggest  home  textile  in  Indonesia.  King  Mat  Indonesia
                                                  provides  various  models  of  mats,  starting  from  ballroom
                                                  rugs, dining rugs, kitchen rugs, indoor and outdoor rugs.
                                                     Ms. Tania as a customer service director, is in charge of
                                                  training new employees, overseeing existing employees on
                                                  her team, monitoring progress, implementing policies and
                                                  procedures  for  dealing  with  customers,  dealing  with
                                                  disgruntled  customers,  and  making  sure  that  interactions
                                                  between the customers run smoothly.
                                                        Today,  Ms.  Tania  received  a  complaint  email  from  the
                                                  customer  Rara  Sinclair.  Rara  Sinclair  complained  that  she
                                                  did not get a discount even though she was qualified. Ms.
                                                  Tania  as  the  customer  service  director  is  responsible  for
                                                  solving  this  matter.  What  should  she  do?  How  does  she
                                                  explain to Rara Sinclair the reasons that make her cannot
                                                  claim the discount?

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