Page 11 - English for Economic Development
P. 11

3. The organization of an email

               There are four organizations in composing an email.
                   Subject line :  Tell the recipient what the email is about. Give a short phrase (5-10
                                     words), which represents the content or topic of the email.

                   Salutation   :    Start the email with a greeting or salutation.

                   Body             :  State your purposes in writing the email. You should start writing the
                                     email with a sentence that clearly explains why you are writing the
                                     email.  Convey  the  main  information  regarding  your  purposes  in
                                     writing the email. A good email should be written using simple, clear,
                                     and direct language.

                   Closing         :   State  the  action  that  the  recipient  has  to  do.  Close  your  email  by
                                     showing your trustworthiness, for example: sincerely, regards, thank
              Example :

                Subject line

                Salutation      Dear Ms. Cole:

                                Thank  you  for  purchasing  your  computer  equipment  at  Diskquick  Services  earlier  this  year.  My
                                associates and I at Diskquick would be pleased to provide any services we can to your company or act
                                as a sounding board on your hardware and software needs. We do business with many professional
                Body            services in the Latin area and are familiar with the challenges of operating a company such as yours.

                                To familiarize you with Diskquick, I enclose a copy of our latest product listings. Please feel free to call
                                me or any of my associates on the enclosed list at any time. I will call you within the next few days to
                                introduce myself over the phone.

                                I look forward to meeting you.
                                Alan Macalester

                                Vice President

                              Seglin, Jeffry L & Coleman, Edward. (2012). The AMA Handbook of Business Letters 4th ed. New York: AMACOM

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