Page 110 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 110

DAY 29

                      Good Fear, New Strengths

                 Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is
                 finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.

                                                         — Richard Bach

              I held on to that experience in my hospital room for dear life, and I
              still do. It held a greater vision for my life than the prognosis that the
              physicians held for me. I had substantial swelling in my brain in an area
              the doctors could not reach. I was only able to focus and stay awake for
              a few minutes at a time in the beginning, and eventually I worked my
              way up to a half a day. It occurred to me that I always enjoyed helping

              others. My thoughts were that I knew what to do for others, but now
              I didn’t know how to help myself. However, the rehabilitation team
              knew exactly what to do; they had plans for me, and my angels were
              on board. I spent two months in the hospital and left in a wheelchair
              with a prognosis that would have chained me to that wheelchair doing
              crossword puzzles for life.
                 I knew God had another plan for my life, and it was greater than

              being in a wheelchair. As I began to heal, fear operating as sabotage
              began a slow dance with me. As a result of that experience, I have
              uncovered new strengths within myself and developed coping tech-
              niques to confront my fears and decide to act regardless of my cir-

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