Page 119 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 119


             I, [insert your name]                               , affirm and
             commit to practicing the following ten agreements daily:

               1. I agree to create value for myself.
               2. I agree to manifest my intentions.
               3. I agree to communicate unapologetically about anything I do not
               4. I agree to support myself in keeping my agreements. I am no  longer
                 the pretender. I will also support others in keeping their agreements.
               5. I agree to love myself, have compassion for myself, and  acknowledge
                 myself for being alive and showing up no matter the outcome.

               6. I agree to being still and calm for at least ten minutes a day.
               7. I agree to be at peace with myself without guilt. 
               8. I agree that I am a work in progress, on my way to becoming, not
                 just the best version of myself, but my full self, the fullness of who
                 I truly am.
               9. I agree to smile often—it is the ultimate antidepressant! I will look
                 for opportunities to share a smile with someone else.

             10. I agree that I am responsible for my own happiness.

             Signed                                    Date

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