Page 117 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 117


             Once fear has you feeling down, it likes to keep you cowering in a
             dark corner. This is the time for you to decide quickly to think good

             thoughts; ideas about what could be better can be fleeting and you want
             to capture them while they are fresh. This time has a short shelf life be-
             fore fear overwhelms you and sends you over the edge.
                I developed this code of ethics as a way to meet your irrational fears,
             transform them, learn from them, and remember again who we truly
             are. It’s meant to be used as a guiding mantra for those times when we
             get lost in our feelings. It will help you to confront the fear and the
             overwhelming feeling that discourages you from seeing the other side
             of the mountain.

                Take some time to begin to develop the habit of thinking about
             what steps you need to take now to create your future dream. Shed
             some light on it and start visioning what it is you truly desire. What
             does it look like? How does it feel when you think about it—even if you
             can only hold the thought for a few minutes at a time?
                You cannot begin this process from a place of fear or desperation.
             Take a breath!

                The benefits will come from choosing the good fear. You have to
             look at the possibilities and ideals that you have in the present time
             to get yourself started. You can act your way into feeling better. Fear
             does not have to hold you hostage. Sometimes, you “act as if” until it
             integrates with you so that you can resonate with it and feel it. Then it

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