Page 118 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 118

1 0 8   •   Your G ood F ear F utur e

              becomes real, just like the fear you allowed to feel real. Remember, a lot

              of the bad fear is self-imposed.
                 After you discipline yourself in this process of confronting the fear,
              writing down what you’re allowing to savor at the moment, and using
              that mental energy to work toward success, you’re likely to have addi-
              tional creative thoughts and productive ideas. Your genius will return,
              and you can repeat this process anytime you want to strengthen your
              emotional muscles. 

                 So, confronting bad fear and turning that metal into gold, as we say
              metaphysically, is an ongoing process. As you rise up, fear will come
              and meet you again and question you, but this time, you will answer
              the call, and you will learn to ask, “Is it really something to fear or did
              I make this up? Is this good fear? Is this is telling me that this is not a
              great idea, something I should not be doing?” This is all part of your
              soul’s journey and teaching.
                 As you practice this and look at the code of ethics that you created
              to guide you, affirm that good fear. Write it down and live by it; stand

              by it. Fear is a good thing!

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