Page 47 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 47

DAY 11

                          Fear of Relationships

                 You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every
                 experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

                 You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
                                                     — Eleanor Roosevelt

             Love can be one of the most powerful beautiful and amazing parts of
             life. It can also be one of the most frightening.
                Some apprehensiveness is normal, but some people find the thought
             of falling in love terrifying. They experience a fear of love, a fear of
             becoming emotionally connected. They may be aware that the fear is

             irrational, but they are still unable to control it. If the fear becomes too
             overwhelming, therapy can help.
                If you have been in a relationship and then experienced hurt, disap-
             pointment, betrayal, or abuse, good fear steps in to help you set bound-
             aries and make different choices next time. But bad fear can work over-
             time to make you afraid to trust anyone again or believe that life can
             be good for you. Good fear will help you to be strong and confident

             enough to risk opening your heart again.
                A great way to break the cycle of negative fear is to develop your own
             code of ethics for your relationship with yourself. Your first responsibil-

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