Page 53 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 53

DAY 13

                         Giving and Receiving

                 We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous
                 giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.
                                                — Orison Swett Marden

             We tend to put all our focus on the negative aspects of fear, but all the
             time protective, healthy fear—good fear—is also present, available to
             give you a new perspective and outlook.
                Many of my clients have constant internal messages about what has
             gone wrong in past relationships, and they become stuck in fear, panic,
             and pain.
                One client was always talking about her ex-husband. They divorced
             ten years ago, and he had remarried and now has two children with his

             new wife. But my client’s fear has kept her in and out of relationships
             because she continues to relive that story and all the pain she experi-
             enced. She has allowed her fear to remain at the top of her mind, and
             she discusses the situation with anyone who will listen. Needless to say,
             this has caused her to live her life without a lot of people around her!
             When she enters a new relationship, her fear and the memories of her
             past failed relationships come with her. Fear is the banner she wears.

                When we allow fear to control us, we are unable to give to others.
             We are too afraid that the little we think we have will be taken from
             us. We want good things, but we don’t realize that the only way to get
             more of what we want is to give more. And we can only give if we face
             that fear and trust.

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