Page 57 - Lenten Devotional 2021 updated 01-21
P. 57

Day 40--Scared Peace


            “Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that
            no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you
            think and feel.”
                                         Philippians 4:7 (CEV)

            I started, Lent with the focus on Easter, with an understanding of the
            joy, hope, and love as opposed to the sadness, grief and loneliness
            associated with the season.  While holding loosely the tenants of
            traditional Lent-fasting, reflecting and repentance. Beginning with the
            end in mind is associated with the business practice ‘Begin with the
            End in Mind” one of the Seven Habits of Successful People by Franklin
            Covey.  Applying this concept in spiritual practice serves as a vehicle
            to focus my spiritual sensitivities on my understanding of God working
            in my life and God’s presence in the world. When I focused on God,
            and all that God represents, I surrender my inner woman to that Holy
            Spirit power. I tap into the scared presence of peace that transcends the
            external events around me.  I can withdraw from the chaotic and hectic
            moments of family dynamics, work stress and church confusion into
            the scared presence peace.  This power transmits peace around me and
            to those that I encounter. In this space I become an agent of peace in
            my interactions with others. And, as others feel this peace, they create
            the same peace in their relationships and together we spread the peace
            of God.

            Father in Heaven, thank you for the transcend power of peace. A peace that is
            unexplainable, but readily available to all that will seek to enter into the at
            scared space. Thank you for hearing my prayer, In the name of Jesus Christ.
                           Rev. Robin E. Henry, Itinerant Elder
                               Mt Zion AME, Severn, MD

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