Page 32 - Research Compliance Report
P. 32

Flexi-Ready! Practical Tips to Prepare             CHED-BAR                      2       Regional
          Higher Education Faculty Members in
          BARMM for Flexible Learning Strategies
          Offline Resources for Remote Teaching              DICT-MINDANAO                 2       Regional
          and Learning                                       CLUSTER 1
          Seminar Workshop on Instructional                  IFUGAO STATE                  8       Local
          Materials/Scholarly Works Designing                UNIVERSITY
          And Development seminar Workshop on
          Instructional Materials/Scholarly Works
          Designing And Development
          Technologies in remote teaching and                DICT-MINDANAO                 2       Regional
          learning                                           CLUSTER 1

                       The  CCS  faculty  are  also  provided  with  training  on  the  necessary
               technical skills and other relevant competencies of CISCO CCNA, MIKROTIK
               and TESDA National Certification. The following is the list of CCS faculty who
               took the assessment in CCNAv7.
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