Page 31 - Research Compliance Report
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Interactive Teaching Ideas, Effective            DICT MINDANAO                2hrs      Regional
          Communication And Writing Skills                 CLUSTER 2
          Netiquette For Online Teaching And               DICT MINDANAO                2hrs      Regional
          Learning                                         CLUSTER 2
          Training Of Trainers On Digital                  DICT MINDANAO                40hrs  National
          Transformation: ICT Project                      CLUSTER 2
          Management And Data Governance
          Google  Forms With Sheet Integration             DICT MINDANAO                2hrs
                                                           CLUSTER 2
          Introduction To Cybersecurity                    CISCO                        40hrs  Internation

          Moving Face-To-Face Techniques To                CHED REGION X                4hrs      Regional
          Flexible Learning Techniques &
          Developing High Instructor Presence
          Cybercrime In The Time Of Corona- Ph             DEPARTMENT OF                3hrs      National
          Cybercrime Trends During The Covid               JUSTICE
          19 Pandemic
          Data Privacy Webinar                             DICT                         1.5hrs  National
          Seminar Workshop On Instructional                IFUGAO STATE                 8hrs      Local
          Materials/Scholarly Works Designing              UNIVERSITY
          And Development
          Teaching Mathematics In The New                  DICT LUZON                   2hrs      Regional
          Normal: Strategies For Effectively               CLUSTER 3
          Engage Students In Mathematics

                                    Dofielyne N. Otgalon

                     TITLE OF TRAININGS                       ORGANIZER/SPO            HOURS         LEVEL
          Technologies in remote teaching and                DICT-MINDANAO                 2       Regional
          learning                                           CLUSTER 1
          Adapting new teaching and learning                 CHED-BAR                      2       Regional
          modalities through learning management
          system for BARMM HEI’s
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