Page 26 - Research Compliance Report
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Domingo Ngipol, Jr., DIT

              TITLE OF TRAININGS               ORGANIZE         HOURS              DATE              LEVEL

         CCNAv7: Introduction to                  CISCO            96       11/16 - 27, 2020  Internation
         Networks                                                hours                            al
             1.  Effective Strategies in           DICT         2 hours  10/22/2020               Regional
                becoming an Excellent
                Online Speaker and
                Communicator I the
                New Normal
         Social Media Etiquette                    DICT         2 hours  10/22/2020               Regional
         Interactive Gaming Platforms              DICT         2 hours  10/20/2020               Regional
         for Online Teaching
         Dashboarding and Visuals                  DICT         2 hours  10/19/2020               Regional
         using Google Sheets
         Cybersecurity Essentials                 CISCO         8 hours  10/17/2020               Internation
         Introduction to Cybersecurity            CISCO         8 hours  10/15/2020               Internation
         Netiquette for Online Teaching            DICT         2 hours  10/15/2020               Regional

         and Learning
         Project Sarai Smarter                  UPLB AND        30HRS       12/1/2020             National
         Technologies                           DOST CAR
         "Digital Readiness for Higher            CHED          8 hours  8/28/2020                National
         Education under the New
         Normal:  Landscape, General
         Policy and Way Forward"
         Learn How to Earn at Home:                DICT         2 hours  10/21/2020               Regional
         Creating Design and Writing
         Career Opportunities in the               DICT         8 hours  8/26/2020                National
         IT-BPM Sector
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31