Page 23 - Research Compliance Report
P. 23
Learn How to Earn at Home: DICT - 2 10/21/2020 Regional
Creating Design and Writing Luzon
E-mails Cluster 3
Effective Instructional DICT - 2 10/21/2020 Regional
Materials for Teachers in the Mindanao
New Normal Cluster 2
Interactive Gaming Platforms DICT - 2 10/20/2020 Regional
for Online Teaching Mindanao
Cluster 2
Introduction to Packet Tracer Cisco 10 10/20/2020 Internation
Networking al
Get Connected Cisco 30 10/15/2020 Internation
Networking al
Dashboarding and Visuals DICT - 2 10/19/2020 Regional
using Google Sheets Mindanao
Cluster 2
Cybersecurity Essentials Cisco 30 10/29/2020 Internation
Networking al
Advance Features of Gmail, DICT - 2 10/17/2020 Regional
Google Drive, and Google Mindanao
Calendar Cluster 2
Introduction to Cybersecurity Cisco 15 10/15/2020 Internation
Networking al
Interactive Teaching Ideas, DICT - 2 10/16/2020 Regional
Effective Communication and Mindanao
Writing Skills Cluster 2
Netiquette for Online Teaching DICT - 2 10/15/2020 Regional
and Learning Mindanao
Cluster 2
Tools for Online Classes: DICT - 2 10/01/2020 Regional
Zoom and Google Meet Mindanao
Cluster 2
Exploring Teaching Apps for The Global 2 8/29/2020 National
the New Classroom Educators