Page 25 - Research Compliance Report
P. 25

Engr. Richardson M. Dasalla

              TITLE OF TRAININGS               ORGANIZE         HOURS              DATE              LEVEL
         SARAI e-skwela:An online                 DOST-            30       Regional              November
         training on smarter                    CAR/UPLB                                          29, 2020
         technologies, practices, and
         innovations for agriculture in
         partnership with DOST
             1.  Effective Startegies in        DOST-CAR            4       Regional              November
                Becoming an Excellent                                                             5, 2020

                Online Speaker and
                communicator in the
                New Normal
         Social Media Etiquette                    DITC-            2       Regional              October
                                                   Luzon                                          22, 2020
                                                 Cluster 3
         Interactive Gaming Platforms              DITC-            2       Regional              October
         for Online Teaching                       Luzon                                          22, 2020
                                                 Cluster 2
         TRAINING OF TRAINERS ON                   DITC-            2       Regional              October
         DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION:                   Luzon                                          20, 2020
         ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT                  Cluster 2
         Cybersmart Online Caravan                 DICT            40       National              October 5-
                                                NATIONAL                                          9,2020
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30