Page 28 - Research Compliance Report
P. 28
Dashboarding and Visuals DICT 2 hours 10/17/2020 Regional
using Google Sheets
Cybersecurity Essentials CISCO 8 hours 10/15/2020 Internation
Advance feature of Gmail, CISCO 8 hours 10/15/2020 Internation
Google Drive and Google al
Introduction to IOT DICT 2 hours 12/5/2020 Regional
Introduction to Cybersecurity CISCO 8 hours 12/2/2020 Internation
Tools for Online Classes: DICT 2 hours 10/01/2020 Regional
Zoom and Google Meet
Netiquette for Online Teaching DICT 2 hours 10/15/2020 Regional
and Learning
Cybersecurity Online Caravan Smart 2 hours 09/09/2020 Regional
"Webinar on Developing SEAMEO 2 hours 05/22/2020 Internation
Learning Management al
Systems and
Open Education Resources" SPARTA 8 hours 04/20/2020 National
getting Grounded on Analytics FORTINET 8 hours 04/16/2020 Internation
Evolution of Cybersecurity FORTINET 8 hours 04/15/2020 Internation
IP Invention Spotting, Prior Ifugao 16 02/06/2020 Local
Art Search and Drafting State hours