Page 27 - Research Compliance Report
P. 27

Glenn John O. Fernando

              TITLE OF TRAININGS               ORGANIZE         HOURS              DATE              LEVEL
         "Introduction to WiFi                     DICT         2 hours  12/5/2020                Regional
             1.  Basic Planning &                 CISCO         8 hours  12/2/2020                Internation
                Design"                                                                           al
         Introduction to Packet Tracer            CISCO            96       11/16 - 27, 2020  Internation
                                                                 hours                            al
         CCNAv7: Introduction to                   DICT         2 hours  11/17/2020               Regional
         "“FINANCIAL WELLNESS 101:                 DICT         2 hours  10/24/2020               Regional

         Bright Ways to Financial                  DICT         2 hours  10/23/2020               Regional
         Internet of Things                        DICT         2 hours  10/22/2020               Regional
         Task Management Online                    DICT         2 hours  10/22/2020               Regional
         Tools for Teachers and
         Effective Strategies in                   DICT         2 hours  10/21/2020               Regional
         becoming an Excellent Online
         Speaker and Communicator I
         the New Normal
         Social Media Etiquette                    DICT         2 hours  10/21/2020               Regional
         Effective Instructional                   DICT         2 hours  10/20/2020               Regional
         Materials for teachers in the
         New Normal
         Learn How to Earn at Home:                DICT         2 hours  10/20/2020               Regional
         Creating Design and Writing

         Animation as a side Hustle in             DICT         2 hours  10/19/2020               Regional
         this time of Pandemuc Part 1:
         Careers & Degrees in
         Interactive Gaming Platforms             CISCO         8 hours  10/17/2020               Internation
         for Online Teaching                                                                      al
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