Page 193 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 193
From, the Official Circular of U. D. C.
The idea of the Southern Cross of Honor to be given by the
United Daughters of the Confederacy to the veterans and des-
cendants of deceased Confederate soldiers and sailors originated
with Mrs. Mary Ann Cobb Erwin, Athens, G-a.
The design offered by Mrs. S. E. Gabbett, Atlanta, Ga.,
Chairman of the committee appointed by Mrs. Katie Cabell Cur-
rie, President U. D. C, at Hot Springs, Ark., November, 1898,
to procure designs, was accepted at Richmond, Va., November,
1899. The members of the committee were Mrs. S. E. Gab-
bett, Chairman, Atlanta, Ga. ; Mrs. C. Helen Plane, Atlanta,
Ga.; Mrs. Mary Ann Cobb Erwin, Athens, Ga. Upon the res-
ignation of Mrs. Erwin, Miss Mildred Lewis Rutherford,
Athens, Ga, was appointed in her place.
The rules formulated by this committee were found insuffi-
cient to meet the many questions that arose regarding the be-
stowal of the Cross, so at the request of Mrs. Gabbett, who had
been appointed Custodian of the Cross at Richmond, 1899,
Mrs. Edwin G. Weed, President of U. D. C, enlarged the com-
mittee at Montgomery, Ala., November, 1900.
The members of this committee are Mrs. Cornelia Branch
Stone, Galveston, Texas, Chairman; Mrs. Virginia Faulkner,
McSherry, West Va.; Mrs. J. W. Lench, Florida; Mrs. J. W.
Thompson, Florida; Mrs. Beede, California; Mrs. Poe, Mary-
land; Mrs. L. H. Raines, of Georgia.
Rule I.
Section" 1. Each State and Territorial Division shall
elect, or appoint a Recorder of Cross of Honor, to whom Chap-
ters shall apply for blank certificates of eligibility, to be filled