Page 195 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 195

170 Confederate Women" of Arkansas

betical lists from the certificates with all data contained therein
to forward with certificates to their State Recorder of Cross
of Honor, with money order, for the number of Crosses desired.

    ''"The -Custodian of the Cross of Honor shall keep a book,

or 'books, in which, shall be kept, alphabetically arranged, the
names and data of all Veterans, descendants of Veterans, and

widows to whom Crosses have been issued.

      Sec. 3. The certificates shall be returned by the Custo>-
dian to the Presidents of Chapters who have ordered Crosses,
and the same be placed on file, by said Chapter, that data may
be. furnished when needed for historical, or other purpose.

       Sec. 4. Each Chapter shall keep a book, alphabetically ar-
ranged, in which, is recorded the name and service of every Vet-
eran, and ancestor of descendant, and widow, of a veteran, who
receives a Cross. Each State or Territorial Recorder shall keep
a similar record book of all Crosses issued.

                                    Rule III.

      Section 1. Crosses may be granted by the muster roll of
the nearest Camp, U. 0. V., and to Confederate Veterans who
are not members of a Camp, who can give the required proof of
eligibility, attested by two Veterans who are members of a


      Sec. 2. The oldest living lineal descendant may secure

the Cross, by giving the same proof of eligibility as that required

—of his Veteran ancestor and Confederate widows of Veterans,

applying for Cross, must fill blank form of certificate, giving

—service of Veteran, whose widow she is such widows must have

endured the hardships of the war period from 1861 to 1865. -
      Sec. 3. Upon the certificate of a reputable physician that

a Veteran is dying, if desired, he may receive the Cross imme-


                                     Rule IV.

      Section 1. The Crosses may be bestowed on the Memorial

or Decoration Day, selected by each State or Territorial Divis-
ion, IT. D. C. ; the birthdays of President Jefferson Davis and

—General Robert E. Lee June 3rd and January 19th; and one
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