Page 194 - Arkansas Confederate Women
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Southern Cross of Honor  169

out by the veterans, and blank forms for alphabetical lists, to
be filled out with data from the certificates, by the President

of the Chapter ordering crosses. When so filled out these shall

be sent to the Becorder of said Division, for approval, or cor-
rection, and forwarded by her to the Custodian of the Cross,

who will forward the Crosses to the Chapter.
       The Recorder shall apply to the Recording Secretary Gen-

eral, U. D. C, for the blank forms of certificates, and blank
forms of alphabetical lists, supplying these, on demand, to
the Chapters, accompanied by an order to the Custodian, signed
by the President General and Recording Secretary General,

U. D. C.
       Sec. 2. The oldest living lineal descendant of Veterans,

who have not received a Cross, may secure it in any county, pro-

vided, that three consecutive monthly notices be inserted in the
city and county papers, calling upon Veterans to send in certifi-

cates for crosses. If at the expiration of three months, there
are no other applications from veterans, the bestowal of Cross-

es upon such descendants, may begin : the same to be governed by
rules for bestowal upon Veterans. Where there is no lineal des-
cendant desiring the Cross, it may be bestowed upon the widow of
veteran, who has not received a Cross, provided she be a Confed-
erate woman, who has endured the hardships and privations of
the period from "sixty-one to sixty-five." No descendant or widow
can receive a second Cross, nor can such descendant or widow
wear the cross. The Recording Secretary General will supply
to the Recorder of Cross of Honor of each State and Territor-

ial Division special blank forms of certificates, for descendants
and widows, which must be filled out with data of eligibility of
ancestor or husband.

                                      Rule II.

      Section 1. No Crosses will be furnished by the Custo-

dian unless the order is accompanied by certificates of eligibil-
ity, properly filled out, by the Veterans, and certified to, by

two, or more, members of a Camp of United Confederate Vet-

erans, and alphabetical list, from Chapter President.

        Sec. 2. Presidents of Chapters shall fill out blank alpha-
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