Page 196 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 196

Southern Cross of Honor     17.1

commemorative day, between July 1st and January 19th, to be
selected by each State or Territorial Division, in convention as-
sembled. The presentation shall be accompanied with such cere-
monies as will give proper dignity to the occasion.

             EULE V.

ASection 1.  Veteran, in good standing, having lost his

Cross, may have it replaced once, only, by applying to the Presi-

dent of the Chapter from which he received the Cross, and he

must furnish copy of the certificate on which the Cross was first

bestowed. If a second Cross is lost, a certificate may be given,
in testimony that such Veteran has been awarded a Cross. No

descendant, or widow, of a Veteran, can have a second Cross.

        Sec. 2. Chapter Presidents are urged to advise Veterans
to have their names engraved on the bar of Cross, for the pur-
pose of identification, if lost.

ASec. 3.  Veteran having been awarded a Cross, and dy-

ing before it is received, the President of the Chapter bestow-

ing it may give it to the oldest living lineal descendant, or widow,

Aunder provisions of Eule 1, Sec. 2.  Veteran having received

the Cross, may bequeath it to any lineal descendant that he may


             Eule VI.

      The Cross cannot be worn, in any case, or on any occasion,

—except by the Veteran upon whom it was bestowed no descen-

dant or widow can wear it.

                                  Eule VIII.

       Section 1. Where counties have no local organization of
U. D. C, a Veteran may receive the Cross through the President
of the nearest local Chapter, or the President of Chapter in the
county from which he entered the Confederate Service, if so


      Sec. 2. When Chapters are not able to bear the expense

of purchasing Crosses for other counties than thir own, these

may be furnished at the expense of the General Association,

upon the authority of the President General, U. D. C.
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