P. 18
The study also revealed that job satisfaction had a significant positive effect on
students' records management effectiveness in Federal Universities, but only a
positive but insignificant effect in State and Private Universities. Job dissatisfaction
can lead to various issues, such as mental or physical health problems, deliberate
sabotage of company products, or labor union activities promoting strikes.
Factors that affect job satisfaction mentioned in the article include career
development opportunities, employee relationships with management,
compensation and benefits, and the work environment. These factors encompass
aspects such as opportunities to use skills and advance in one's career,
communication with supervisors and senior management, recognition of job
performance, compensation and benefits, work-life balance, financial stability of the
organization, work meaningfulness, relationships with co-workers, and alignment of
work with the organization's business goals.
Overall, the article highlights the importance of job satisfaction in the effectiveness of
students' records management and identifies key factors that influence job
satisfaction in the context of records officers' roles in universities.
Effect of Job Satisfaction on The Effectiveness of Students’
JULY | 2023 Records Management in South-South Nigerian Universities 18