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3EzSeries storybooks for primary and lower secondary school

                         Book title            Cover Page                  ISBN                                 What the book is about
               1.   The story of begging                          978-9970-570-01-0       A very knowledgeable child, Amani, vividly narrates the grim world (to
                    children                                                              his  friends)  in  which  disadvantaged  children  are  forced  into  child
                                                                                          begging  as  a  way  to  provide  for  their  livelihood.  Equipped  with  this
                                                                                          information, the friends devise ways to end the child begging scheme —
                                                                                          in which many children are trapped.

               2    Learning to  fit in a                         978-9970-570-02-7       Arriving in her new school, Mary makes effort to fit in by trying to make
                    new place                                                             new friends. She soon discovers, children in her new school are not as
                                                                                          welcoming.  Keeping  a  diary  of  her  first week  at  school  —  a  vital  skill
                                                                                          gained  in  her  old  school—  instantly  catches  everyone’s  eye.  Mary’s
                                                                                          diary entries soon evolve into a school-wide project, in which children
                                                                                          and  their  teachers  get  involved  to  come  up  with  a  guide  to  “help
                                                                                          children fit in a new school or place.”

               3    Responsible citizens                          978-9970-570-04-1        Amani’s  cousin  Sara  gets  help  from  a  complete  stranger,  after  a
                    help others                                                           speeding car runs her down at a zebra crossing. While people showed a
                                                                                          lot  of  concern  about  Sara,  it’s  only  the  selfless  stranger  who  takes
                                                                                          pragmatic  actions  to  help  save  Sara’s  life  amidst  glaring  challenges
                                                                                          facing some of the country’s service delivery systems.

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