Page 4 - 3EzSeries book collection summaries
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12   Doggie finds love                             978-9970-570-11-9       A dog from town meets other dogs in the wild. While in the wild, Dog
                                                                                          says very unkind things about a man and his family. However, Doggie
                                                                                          (from the Wild) decides to find out for himself. He discovers that what
                                                                                          Dog told them was untrue. Man and his family were actually caring and
                                                                                          loving people.

               13   Advice to Papa                                978-9970-628-12-4       Rosy  receives  a  beating  from  her  papa  when  she  brings  home  a  bad
                                                                                          report.  Even  with  an  equally  bad  report,  her  friend—  Sifa—  is  not
                                                                                          treated badly. Concerned for Rosy, Sifa brings this to the attention of
                                                                                          her parents. Sifa’s father finds a way to advice Rosy’s father —an action
                                                                                          that changes everything for the better.

               14   End of teasing at                             978-9970-570-15-7       Tango Secondary School was reputable for high academic performance
                    Tango                                                                 and  barbaric  teasing  of  new  students.  Two  primary  school  pupils  -
                                                                                          Abraham and Mariam wish to put their first choice at this school but
                                                                                          fear the teasing.  They conduct a survey to know more about the nature
                                                                                          of teasing. Results are used to stop the teasing. The two children join
                                                                                          their dream school.

               15   Little Doer keeps his                         978-9970-570-19-5       Little Doer — the sheep— loves and cares very much for others. Despite
                    smile                                                                 this, his good acts are not appreciated by a few sheep who don’t like
                                                                                          him.  This makes Little Doer very unhappy, forcing him to leave the only
                                                                                          home  he  ever  knew  to  a  place  where  he could  find  happiness.  Away
                                                                                          from home, he soon learns from a wise old sheep that he should not
                                                                                          have left home because of a few bad sheep. This lifted his self esteem.

                                                                                          Little Doer returns back home and promises himself to keep on doing
                                                                                          good, regardless of what the bad sheep say.

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