Page 2 - 3EzSeries book collection summaries
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4    A head teacher                                978-9970-570-00-3       On a rainy, stormy day, primary five children find themselves in a very
                    listens to pupils                                                     dark classroom unable to have their scheduled lessons. This is despite
                                                                                          the fact that children in primary six and seven on the same classroom
                                                                                          block continued normally with their classes. Primary six and seven had
                                                                                          electricity, while primary five didn’t.  Concerned, primary five children
                                                                                          write a letter to the school head teacher who responds affirmatively.
                                                                                          Children’s views in the letter helped the head teacher to take decisions
                                                                                          that saw electricity extended to the entire classroom block.

               5    The peace trees                               978-9970-570-03-4       Two communities have been living in an unending situation of conflict
                    that brought us                                                       characterised  by  perpetual  animosity  towards  each other.  A  women’s
                    together                                                              savings  scheme  changed  all  that  as  women  got  involved  in  activities
                                                                                          bringing both communities together. The peace tree project helped to
                                                                                          further cement positive, social relationships  — as the once estranged
                                                                                          communities were charged with the responsibility of planting and caring
                                                                                          for a ‘peace’ tree seedling in each other’s homestead.

               6    Treat me fairly                               978-9970-570-10-2       A family with one of their children living with a disability is caught in a
                                                                                          dilemma— to do what they deem to be in the best interest of their child
                                                                                          amidst negative societal perceptions about children (and other people)
                                                                                          living with disabilities. The courage of a sibling, who has the ear of both
                                                                                          parents,  helps  roll  back  some  of  the  parents’  discriminatory  and/or
                                                                                          unfair behaviour towards their child living with a disability.

               7    Toto’s broken leg                             978-9970-570-07-2       An innocent boy thought he was doing the right thing in beating up Toto
                                                                                          the  dog  for  helping  himself  to  his  family’s  lunch.  The  dog  owner’s
                                                                                          reaction only makes the situation worse — as he viciously uses violence
                                                                                          as a way to discipline the boy. The story helps to show that discipline
                                                                                          needs to take a child’s dignity into account.

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