Page 6 - 3EzSeries book collection summaries
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21   My first certificate                          978-9970-628-10-0       A  child  trafficker  stole  a  baby  from  the  bedroom,  while  her  parents
                                                                                          were  in  the  dining  room  having  dinner.  Working  on  a  tip  from
                                                                                          concerned people, the police arrested the child trafficker— just across
                                                                                          the  border.  The  baby’s  birth  certificate  was  very  vital  in  helping  the
                                                                                          police to reunite the baby with her parents.

               22   Sara wants to be                              978-9970-570-16-4       Sara  knows  a  lot  about  poultry  farming.  However,  every  time  she
                    heard                                                                 offered her advice her parents tell her to keep quite. Her opinion didn’t
                                                                                          count. Her parents preferred to have her seen, but not heard. A child
                                                                                          participation  project  at  school  helped  parents  to  realise  how  useful
                                                                                          children can be to decision making if their opinions were sought.

                    3EzSeries™ ECD books for Early Learning Centres and Lower Primary Classes (also available currently in Kiswahili,

                                                                      Luganda and Runyankole)
               23   Read and count                                978-9970-979-84-4       Teaches basic number concepts, thus enabling young children to master
                                                                                          recognising, counting, reading and writing numbers 0 to 10
                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)

               24   Our    fruits   and                           978-9970-979-88-2       Our  fruit  and  vegetable  garden  is  multi-thronged.  Introduces  the
                    vegetable garden                                                      alphabet;  while  stressing  the  health  values  of  eating  fruits  and
                    (level 1 and 2)                                                       vegetables.  Children  also  learn  that  fruits  and  vegetables  can  also  be
                                                                                          grown at home— if there is space.

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