Page 7 - 3EzSeries book collection summaries
P. 7

25   Let me try (level 2)                          978-9970-628-19-3       Introduces children to appreciating and living together in diversity and
                                                                                          with  other  children  /  people  living  with  disabilities.  Living  with
                                                                                          disabilities does not mean that people are unable to do things they are
                                                                                          able to.
                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)

               26   We need one                                   978-9970-9798-2-0       The message that we need one another is introduced through simple
                    another                                                               pictures  and  simple  sentences  about  what  people  do  in  Mark’s
                                                                                          immediate community. When his parents asked Mark what they were
                                                                                          learning at school. Mark names who does what in their village. The story
                                                                                          teaches that everyone works and contributes to meeting human needs.
                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)
               27   Teyo gets a                                   978-9970-628-06-3       Teyo  is  taken  to  hospital.  He  is  treated  for  malaria.  The  doctor
                    mosquito net                                                          recommends that they buy a mosquito net, which they do. Teyo now
                                                                                          sleeps happily under a mosquito net.
                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)

               28   Flies have dirty feet                         978-9970-628-18-6       The story teaches children that flies have dirty feet and drop germs on
                                                                                          our food. Maci, eight years old helps his friends to know that flies gather
                                                                                          germs  from  garbage  and  other  dirty  places.  He  advises  his  friends  to
                                                                                          wash  fruits  before  eating  them;  to  keep  every  place  clean  and  cover
                                                                                          food  and  drinks  as  some  of  the  means  to  stop  flies  from  spreading

                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)
               29   At the vet clinic                             978-9970-628-07-0       Introduces  children  at  an  early  age  to  the  importance  of  caring  for
                    (level 1 and 2)                                                       animals and pets in a humane and loving way.

                                                                                          (Also available in local languages)

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