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Elite Investigative Journal
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4), pg 5-17
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Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve
Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
By Randy Gonzalez
A maturity of endurance, ence. A warrior mindset, resentment projected by
a temperament of empa- whatever the setting or the many. He or she is su-
thy, and a penchant for timeline, is an excep- premely confident in many
action, he or she hears the tional thinking process. years of real-world expo-
debates, the discussion Of which, only a few are sure, the lessons learned,
and anticipates the solu- competent to command the tactics finely honed,
tions. As to the cacophony and transform. and the knowledge pro-
of endless complaints, the foundly expounded. How-
failure in solidifying reso- A leader’s ascendency ever, the less knowing, the
lutions, or constant inac- transmutes over time and less knowledgeable or the
tion by redundancy, the experience. The learn- no experienced, the smug-
leader has little tolerance. ing curve to the reaches ly pious self-indulgent
Leaders are not moved or of maturity is an arduous inebriates, they do not
impressed by the “psycho- mission. In the journey, have a clue as to the es-
babble” of organizational a leader overcomes and sence of what they protest.
arrogance and the pre- appreciates the nature of
tentiousness of inexperi- primordial criticism and One who leads relishes in