Page 8 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 8
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
laboration, in order to always the problem. No the realm of probability
apply an evolving set of all but there are enough transcends the essence of
skills to changing situ- to make every moment applying critical thinking.
ations. Leaders engage of each action difficult. By reason in the rational-
those around him or her in Whining, sniveling mal- ity of profound presence,
an open-minded process contents are deadly. emotion is tempered by
of innovative transforma- the alliance one has with
tive thinking that is free A leader appreciates the skeptical inquiry about
to be uninhibitedly hon- necessity of understand- all things. Proofs not con-
est. However, often the
interactive actions are
challenging due to the
arrogance of immatu-
Monumental dangers
confront the individual
by the dysfunctional
fragmentation of a
fearful unevolved self-
ishness. Likewise,
the group is made of
people. As a collective
of self-seeking insti-
gations, personal and
communal sabotage
easily disrupt and adverse- ing the game of chess. jecture and cause-effect
ly affect the organization. Yet, given the linear con- reality of evidence, as op-
The framework of which figuration, the rules and posed to mere correlation,
can be any organizational the squares, a leader also is applied rigorously.
unit, from the boardroom comprehends an ability to
to the classroom, from the play a good game of pok- Leadership embraces the
family to the farmhouse, er. From two-dimensional wisdom of comprehending
or from street patrol to anticipation along a sche- that each person, as well
the warfront. People are matic of fixed placements, as any assembly of partici-