Page 12 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 12
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
culture, the wiser one just people readily “bite the energies exhausted and
quietly walks away from hand that feeds them”, in driven by emotional re-
all the nonsense. For lead- spite of the deteriorating activity. No matter how
ership, the sage passion consequences. There will seemingly innocuous the
of commitment, to wisely always be the less evolved group “jester” might ap- P
manage and supervise among us who contrive to pear, there is a hidden O
meritoriously, requires a be negative, condescend- agenda. L
high sense of integrity, ing and divisive in varying I
justice and graceful ac- ways. Within the scope and C
ceptance of where scheme of stupidity, E
things are in time. In resides the clownish
every setting, no mat- arrogance of poking B
ter how good the lofty fun at that or those R
platitudes and pontifi- that are evolving U
cations, there are whin- competently. How T
ers, complainers and often do you hear A
dissidents from a diver- in any group setting L
sity of dysfunctional sincere complimen- I
personalities. tary attributions? T
Photo Courtesy of Are people genu- Y
One can never under- inely of good will when
estimate the purposeful Leadership invites the sen- another gets something
disruptions by the detrac- sory array to be vigilant they might have wanted?
tors within any group, and prepare contingencies Consider particularly the
organization or family for the unexpected eventu- person who got the pro-
unit. Where kinship rela- ality. One must anticipate motion, the new office,
tive or workplace related, and recognize the shad- new equipment, or what-
everyone has the potential owy possibilities. Being ever the instance might be.
to be counterproductive centered in the abilities of How excited are others?
by various means. Stupid- oneself, focused and posi- Further, consider a book
ity has many faces, and tive, one skillfully plans to review, a movie release,
there are plenty of faces to interact appropriately, as or something similar, what
go around. By whatever each situation may arise. was the tone of critique?
contrivance of belief, or Good leadership has no If you listen, then you can
pretentiousness to belief, use for the unnecessary detect it.