Page 15 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 15

Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)

                                                                                  the mire of self-deceit and
                                                                                  project the neediness of
                                                                                  pity from others. In the

                                                                                  illusion and subsequent
                                                                                  mythology for a “quick

                                                                                  fix”, with easy excuses,
                                                                                  academia comes to the

                                                                                  After all, institutions

                                                                                  of higher learning and
                                                                                  knowledge have all the
                                                                                  answers, right? You can

                                                                                  always ask an “expert”
                                                                                  somewhere for the “right”

                                                                                  answers you want to here.
                                                        Photo Courtesy of  In collusive collaboration,
        lative and specious con-                                                  “psycho-theorists” rush

        juring on human nature,              very far and to every ex-            in to “explain” the depths
        occult has become the                tent to ensure our subjec-           of the complexity, and

        “cult of the personality”.           tive validation of being             quickly label the malady.
        In a diverse range of psy-           validated.                           Once a “diagnosis” is
        chological perspectives,                                                  named, and you caught it

        some with sociological               From unevolved fixation              as something like a cold,
        and evolutionary attempts            on simplistic solvability            there is going to be a pill

        at explanation, very little          factors, we transgress to            for it. With good market-
        has been resolved. People            the “P”, or the pitiful, in          ing, gullible acceptance,
        have not changed much in             the pitying of one’s indi-           and pricey consumption,

        terms of basic predatory             vidual plight. For that, the         society has a cure for ev-
        characteristics. Decep-              larger culture has accepted          erything.

        tion is such a skill set that        the collusions of the “psy-
        most of us are very good             cho-medico-pharmaceu-                Pity invites ignorance
        at fooling ourselves, espe-          tical industrial complex”.           of self and a failure to

        cially when it comes to a            Being unevolved in the               become a better person.
        belief system we think is            transformation to a higher           Leaders must learn to

        the right one. We will go            life form, we wallow in

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