Page 20 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 20
Nonverbal Interviews
ing, including hesitations behaviors. intersection. To the un-
and doubts. When we are trained investigator, your
overwhelmed or experi- In regards, to deception, answer of “I don’t remem-
encing brain overload, this fabrication is the easi- ber” would suffice. How-
shows in our writing as est type of deception to ever, a trained investigator P
well. Measurable differ- recognize in handwrit- should ask you to imagine O
ences are apparent. What ing. Fabrication includes yourself sitting at the in- L
about masking these dis- memories and fictitious tersection while focusing I
crepancies? My experi- memories weaved in a on the sights and sounds. C
ence has been the harder convincing manner. Cog- Because your brain stores E
a person tries to recreate nitively, it is the most snippets of information,
a false memory the more difficult type of deceptive you would most likely B
distinct are the discrepan- writing to produce, espe- remember faint glimpses R
cies in handwriting. cially when spatial and of buildings, if you were U
temporal details are need- present during the crash. T
The opposite is also seen ed. To create a fabricated A
in verbal and nonver- story, you must create a So, investigators must L
bal statements, when an real memory, involving capitalize on the cognitive I
overly zealous witness is absolute details. Because strain a deceptive person T
trying to convince others these details will not ex- invokes upon him/herself. Y
of their innocence. If you ist in long-term storage, a Do this, by going with
have ever been misunder- similar substitute will be your gut feeling, but be
stood or wrongly accused, sought, causing mental careful not to contribute to
your reactions become strain in the process. fabricated memories, by
hypersensitive in similar enhancing their memory
situations. Your brain For example, you tell bank. Allow them to tell
retrieves past snippets of someone you witnessed all, without being coached
the past incident and tries an automobile accident in as to what details to in-
to compensate or change a busy intersection, in an clude. If certain areas of
the current outcome. Any unfamiliar part of town. their statement are sparse,
cognitive dissonance (psy- Your story is exciting and mention this and give
chological stress) during believable, until you are them the opportunity to
this process, will be noted asked which businesses elaborate. By not telling
in your handwriting and were located on your right a deceptive person what
other nonverbal or verbal side while standing in the information you are seek-