Page 22 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 22

Elite Investigative Journal
        Teaching Children to Deal with Pain,  pg 22-29
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.
          Teaching Kids to

          Deal with Pain                                        By Jill L. Ferguson

        Thirty years ago, on a               of his father, drove him             the tears and curb the                P

        little league field in New           to the emergency room.               wailing. We are not in-               O
        York State a youngster               The doctor pronounced                tentionally trying to be              L

        injured his thumb when               the thumb to be broken. At  mean. Let’s face facts, our                    I
        he was hit with the ball.            home that evening, after             child’s crying, when it is            C
        The coach, who was also              being told that his son’s            caused by injury, pains us.           E

        his father, looked at the            thumb was broken, the fa-            We do not want our chil-
        digit, declared it couldn’t          ther said he felt bad about  dren to be hurt or to feel                    B

        be too bad, so “be tough,”  his hasty judgement.                          pain. We may go as far as             R
        and sent the kid back into                                                thinking, if only I could             U
        the game. Moments later,             Though this scene took               take this pain from her or            T

        with his thumb turning               place two decades ago, it            him.                                  A
        a rainbow of shades and              repeats itself (maybe un-                                                  L

        expanding to three times             der some variation) every  A child who is seriously                        I
        its usual size, the child’s          year. Parents oftentimes             ill or injured evokes sad             T
        mother yanked him off the  brush off their children’s                     emotions and causes us                Y

        field, and over the protests  pain in an effort to dam                    to think that life is un-

                                                                                            Photo Courtesy of

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