Page 26 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 26

Teaching Children to Deal with Pain

        and acupuncture or acu-              “growing pains.” Five to             migraine.
        pressure. If acute pain is           ten percent of all school-
        untreated, it can cause              aged children suffer from            Internal traction, most of-

        significant emotional and            recurrent pains.                     ten associated with organ-
        physical distress.                                                        ic (meaning coming from               P

                                             One pain these children              within, not from external             O
        Chronic pain persists for a  occasionally complain                        forces such as a strong               L
        time beyond three months  about is headaches. The                         odor or stress) headaches,

        and includes both constant  National Headache Foun-                       indicates the presence of a           I
        pain, such as that caused            dation classifies this recur- tumor, abscess, infection,                   E

        by a terminal illness, and           rent child’s pain into five          swelling or hematoma.
        intermittent pain, such as           categories: tension-type,            This type of headache is              B
        that caused by an intesti-           vasodilation or vascular,            very serious.

        nal or stomach disorder.             internal traction, inflam-                                                 R
        Chronic pain may repre-              mation and neurogenic or  Inflammation headaches                           T

        sent an illness, but often-          epileptic.                           also require immediate                A
        times the cause of the pain                                               medical care, as they ac-             L
        remains undiagnosed. This  Your child’s tension-type                      company another prob-

        type of pain frequently              headache, according to the  lem, usually a disease of                      I
        wears the sufferer down              Foundation, is “probably             the eyes, ears, nose, teeth           Y

        into thinking it is normal           caused by poor posture,              or sinuses, or a neck or
        or “just a part of life.”            worry, anxiety or depres-            jaw disorder. This type
        Chronic pain should not              sion.” It is characterized           of headache occurs when

        be a part of life.                   by a tightening in the               your child’s tissues are
                                             muscles, particularly those  injured or irritated and

        According to Kuttner,                around the neck.                     become inflamed.
        recurrent pain is “pain
        that alternates with pain-           Vasodilation or vascular             Lastly, “some children’s

        free periods.” Recurrent             headaches are caused by              headaches are accompa-
        pain includes migraines              the dilation and/or expan-           nied by seizure-like be-

        and tension headaches,               sion of the blood vessels            havior, similar to children
        back pain and many other  and arteries in and around  who have epilepsy.” Tests
        common problems. In                  the skull. This swelling             on a neurogenic or epi-

        children, recurrent pains            form a pressure across the  leptic headache will not
        may include for a period             forehead, oftentimes cre-            usually reveal a clinical

        of time what we label as             ating what we know as a              cause, but “a passing neu-

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